Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Today in class (day 61)

Today in class we learned some facts about Papua New Guinea.

  • lots of highlands
  • about 1 third of the population is living less than US $1.25 per day
  • the GDP growth is 8.9 (12 fastest growing economy in the world)
  • the literacy rate is 15 years and older can read or right (57%)
  • it is one of the most cultural diverse countries
  • 841 different languages
  • there are 125,000 people using the internet
  • spends 1.4 of their GDP to military
  • 1.9% is unemployed (ranks 9 in the world)
  • one part of this country is developed the other is developing
  • The net migration rate is 0
  • 13% of the population is urban
  • 1.6 billion imports 6.48 billion for exports
  • 1 or 2% of the people speak English

Monday, January 14, 2013

Today in class (day 60)

Today in class we are doing a self review of our class participation in this semester class. I would give myself an 80 in class participation. I do participate, but not a lot. 75 is a little low, but I do deserve a B. I participated more in the beginning of the semester, but not as much towards the end. This has been a fun class and it has been a great semester.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Today in class (day 58)

Today in class we continued to watch the great video "Guns, Germs and Steel" about Jared Diamond and his theory.We continued to watch the 6th part of the video about his theory. His theory states that where you are around the world depends on how well you do. Just like how Europe and Asia did very well because they had the animals goats, sheep, horses, donkeys, pigs, Arab camels, water buffaloes, yaks, reindeer, calves, mithen, Bali cattle, and Bactria camels. Crops and animals were also domesticated from the fertile crescent. They came from there because the climate is the same along the same latitude. The people from the fertile crescent also went west ward or east ward because the climate was similar and not harsh. It made living easier and lifestyle better because you did not have to burn up in eat or get cold in wintry weather all year.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Today in class (day 57)

Today in class we continued to watch the video about Jared Diamond's theory of how some parts of the world are more advanced and others are not due to the fact of where they are in the world. I was sick with strep throat this weekend and Monday so I am very behind on what has happened with the video. I took a few notes down on what happened in the video to keep track of what I was learning. There are 148 animals that are 100 pounds, eat plants, and that are useful to humans. Out of that 148 there are 14 domesticated animals. They are the goats, sheep, horses, donkeys, pigs, Arab camels, water buffaloes, yaks, reindeer, calves, llamas, mithen, Bali cattle, and Bactria camels. The  goats, sheep, horses, donkeys, pigs, Arab camels, water buffaloes, yaks, reindeer, calves, mithen, Bali cattle, and Bactria camels all came from Europe or Asia. The llama came from South America.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Today in class (day 55)

Today in class we were learning about how some civilizations advanced quicker then others. For example, the Americans were one of the first developed civilizations of the time and more advanced too. In Guns germs and steel, the Americans landed a plane in New Guinea and showed them a record player. This back then was a sign of great wealth and something most New Guineans had never seen and would probably never even own in their lifetime. Then the people carried the men across a stream. Back then it was thought that white men were superior to the blacks and it was a genetic type of superiority. Also, in New Guinea the people were forced to rely on the materials found in nature to build their society off of. They hunted and gathered their food for many days. Because they did not have much, most meat was eaten raw and their was no fires. Gun germs and steel was very interesting and i am looking forward to the next video.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Today in class (day 54)

Today in class we shared our presentations with everyone and we peer evaluated. This meant that we gave each other grades depending on they did. There were requirements that we had to reach though. Such as we had to persuasive and have an advertisement and a slogan. Most groups did a poster as an advertisement, which was the easiest way to do one. Our slogan was "Buy from around the world" and we had our 3 car types (BMW, Volkswagen, and Mercedes Benz) around the world. Our presentation included the prices of cars from the car companies. Then I added information about the benefits of buying from foreign companies and how it would lower the price for many American sold products and have a better outcome overall. I included facts about how Germany companies make cars a lot faster and that will lower the cost of some cars. If they were entirely made in the United States it would be too expensive, making transportation hard for middle and lower class citizens.