Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Today in class (day 57)

Today in class we continued to watch the video about Jared Diamond's theory of how some parts of the world are more advanced and others are not due to the fact of where they are in the world. I was sick with strep throat this weekend and Monday so I am very behind on what has happened with the video. I took a few notes down on what happened in the video to keep track of what I was learning. There are 148 animals that are 100 pounds, eat plants, and that are useful to humans. Out of that 148 there are 14 domesticated animals. They are the goats, sheep, horses, donkeys, pigs, Arab camels, water buffaloes, yaks, reindeer, calves, llamas, mithen, Bali cattle, and Bactria camels. The  goats, sheep, horses, donkeys, pigs, Arab camels, water buffaloes, yaks, reindeer, calves, mithen, Bali cattle, and Bactria camels all came from Europe or Asia. The llama came from South America.

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