Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Today in class (day 54)

Today in class we shared our presentations with everyone and we peer evaluated. This meant that we gave each other grades depending on they did. There were requirements that we had to reach though. Such as we had to persuasive and have an advertisement and a slogan. Most groups did a poster as an advertisement, which was the easiest way to do one. Our slogan was "Buy from around the world" and we had our 3 car types (BMW, Volkswagen, and Mercedes Benz) around the world. Our presentation included the prices of cars from the car companies. Then I added information about the benefits of buying from foreign companies and how it would lower the price for many American sold products and have a better outcome overall. I included facts about how Germany companies make cars a lot faster and that will lower the cost of some cars. If they were entirely made in the United States it would be too expensive, making transportation hard for middle and lower class citizens.

Today in class (day 53)

Today in class we went back into our groups to work on our projects and see what we can do. I did the presentation and looked everything up. I looked up car prices for 3 different types of cars. The types of cars are BMW, Volkswagen, and Mercedes Benz. We found out that the Volkswagen is the least expensive of all the 3 different car brands. They sell things cheaply but they are still made for luxury. The Volkswagen company builds Beetles (my favorite car)!  We had to finish our projects by the end of class today because we are supposed to present on Wednesday (which is 12-12-12) I am excited for the 12th of December in 2 thousand and 12. It shall be a magical day! In my group we made a poster to explain why people should buy products foreign instead of American. I made about 8 slides in class today which was enough to get all of the information I needed.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Today in class (day 52)

Today in class we continued to work on our projects that is worth 100 points. We will be ready to present on Wednesday. My group is doing our project on BMW, Mercedes Benz, and Volkswagen. We first searched up the prices to see how much they were. We did this because we have to work ours on cheap foreign labor. This means that the cars are made over in other countries such as China or Germany and made cheaper with cheaper labor and they are shipped over to the United States. They are made in other counties because if they were made in the United States they would be too expensive for middle class citizens to purchase them. Since no one would buy the products, the business would close down. Cars are expensive even being made in other countries. If they were made in the United States no one in the U.S would own a car because it would be too expensive to own on. We would ride bikes to work just like the Chinese did before cars were around in China. It is a wonder what cheap labor does for the United States.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Today in class (day 51)

Today in class we were watching part three of the peoples republic of capitalism video. It was very interesting and i learned a lot of new info from it. I learned that in China a lot of traffic and car accidents happen each day. This is because more and more people in China are starting to own cars for the first time. People in the United States usually own their first car or are able to drive a car by the time they are about eight teen and the people in China are just learning how to drive a car in their thirties or forties. The problem with this is they do not have a lot of experience and they do not know what they are doing. Also, at the rate at which China is putting cars on the road daily, if this continues to increase, then they will have more cars on their roads in the near future then the United States total. Also, the movie taught about the importance of buying US products versus Chinese. Then Mr. Schick told us about the project we were going to be doing which is either influencing the citizens of the United States to buy from the US companies or to buy cheaper from foreign or Chinese companies for less money.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Today in class (day 50)

Today in class instead of watching the video "The People's Republic of Capitalism" we looked up definitions of the words: capitalism, communism, free enterprise, and free market. Capitalism means an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit. That means when someone starts a business THEY own it, not the government. Communism means a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. That means that the government owns the business and is the opposite of capitalism. China had their government as a communism.  This type of theory is classless. That means that there are no upper, middle, or lower class. Free enterprise means an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned and operated for a private use. Lastly free market means an economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Today in class (day 49)

Today in class we continued to watch the third part of the video "The Peoples Republic of Capitalism". It continued to talk about how people take others ideas and use them as their own. Such as people take engineering skills and use them as their own. It is a potion of plagiarism, in a way. It is the idea of taking someones idea and using it as your own. It is stealing the ideas of others, which is wrong.If someone does not take your idea, they are going to take someone else's idea. Later in the video it explains how workers in America are started to be paid less because of their company being taken over by Chinese leaders. One man  was making 28 dollars an hour, after he his company was taken over by Chinese leaders he later made 15 dollars an hour. It is shocking that even when a company is under Chinese rule, the workers still make less. The whole point of paying the leaders less is to lower the cost of the cost of the final product so that it is less expensive for the consumer. It is sad because the workers make less and can barley afford their house.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Today in class (day 48)

Today in class we watched a different part of the People's Republic of Capitalism. This part was mainly about automobiles and how new it was new to China.  Before the cars came to China, everyone rode bikes around to get to work, their houses, and even to buy food. Since cars have not been around very long in China, not that  many people know how to drive. People in their 30s, 40s, and 50s are just learning how to drive. Many accidents occur in China because of this, even 100 per day. Also many people in China can not afford a car because most of them are so poor. The only thing many Chinese people save up for is a car, so that it is easier to get around places and be more independent and not rely on  buses. Many farm workers have to haul their items to a bus stop and take it to town. It is very difficult for them because the items are very heavy and hurt their arms. They also make very low money so it will take them awhile to save up for a car.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Today in class (day 47)

Today in class we continued to watch the video called "The people's republic of capitalism" It was interesting to see how China and America's relationship is so well. Considering that there could be a dispute between America and China , what would happen then? Would China destroy all of their American businesses? Would America want their businesses out of China? It would ruin many things if anything had happened between China and America. One thing it would destroy is the cost of American prices. They would cost so much more and make Americans have to work more hours and do many more things just to purchase the items that they desire. By the cost of items being higher, that would mean that not many people would purchase them. That would also mean that the businesses would end up going out of business because no one would purchase their items. It would be a good idea that China and America stay great allies.