Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Today in class (day 49)

Today in class we continued to watch the third part of the video "The Peoples Republic of Capitalism". It continued to talk about how people take others ideas and use them as their own. Such as people take engineering skills and use them as their own. It is a potion of plagiarism, in a way. It is the idea of taking someones idea and using it as your own. It is stealing the ideas of others, which is wrong.If someone does not take your idea, they are going to take someone else's idea. Later in the video it explains how workers in America are started to be paid less because of their company being taken over by Chinese leaders. One man  was making 28 dollars an hour, after he his company was taken over by Chinese leaders he later made 15 dollars an hour. It is shocking that even when a company is under Chinese rule, the workers still make less. The whole point of paying the leaders less is to lower the cost of the cost of the final product so that it is less expensive for the consumer. It is sad because the workers make less and can barley afford their house.

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