Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Today in class (day 46)

Today in class we continued to watch the video "The People's Republic of Capitalism". We continued to watch how companies move their American company to another country, such as China, to sell their products lower. Why are they lower? They are lower because China does not have a law like we do in the United States. We have a law of minimum wage so that everyone has a chance to earn equal money. In China though, labor is very cheap as low as 2 dollars A DAY. Companies move to China to pay for labor more cheaply and sell things at lower prices. Walmart is a big company that deals with "low prices". One way they do this is, is by getting products from companies that are in China. On Apple labels, it always says "Designed in California". It never says WHERE it was made, but only where it was designed. Most likely their products are made in China so that it is not as expensive as it would be if it was made in the United States.

Today in class (day 45)

Today in class we continued to watch the video and learn more about how Chinese workers work for more hours but less money. I feel that this is inhumane for a human being to work their butts off for at least 8 to 10 hours a day and get only 5 dollars a day. Sometimes even less than that. Such as construction workers make that are female make 2 to 3 dollars a day and male construction workers make at least 3 to 4 dollars a day. While in america you would at least earn 7 to 8 dollars AN HOUR. Your nationality or country should change the way you get paid or make a living. Most people in China rather do what they have a passion for than do construction or assemble things on an assembly line. The workers end up falling asleep from exhaustion because it is just so boring and it will make you "zombie like". In my opinion, I think that China should make a law; similar to the United States, of minimum wage. So the workers will get a chance to make a living and not barley get by.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Today in class (day 44)

Today in class we took notes on a video we took today. It was about China and it's difference compared to the United States. One thing is that is different is that China is only allowed to have 1 kid per family. Sometimes when the family finds out about the child's sex and it is a girl they get an abortion. Boys are more cherished over in China compared to the United States where it is equal. When a family owns a family company they pass it on to the boy, not the girl in the family. That is one of the reasons that having a boy is a bigger deal over in China. It is also becoming a problem though because there are not enough girls to marry the other boys to start a family themselves. Another problem with having one child per family is that if the child dies at a young age, they do not have another child to depend on. Also some of the parents are too old to have another child so then they can't raise a child and are left childless. That is what happened to some family's when an earthquake hit their major city and left kids dead.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Today in class (day 42)

Today in class we took a test on the world leaders. It was about where the leaders ruled their country, some facts about them, and others we had to figure out where they ruled on a map. I feel like I did better on this test than I did on the others because I actually studied. It was so much easier and I am thankful to have a mother who loves me enough to study with me. In the middle of my studying I was watching a movie about a mermaid who falls in love. I got really into it, that while it came back on, I told my mommy to stop studying with me so I could watch it. It was a really cute movie too, and the sad part it a mermaid has a better love life than I do. I really wish a hot surfer guy would fall in love with me even though I had a tail. It really upsets me because not even the unattractive guys look at me. WHAT IS THIS. I'M TOO GOOD FOR ALL OF THEM. I'M A HOT POT OF RICE WHO DON'T NEED NO SIDE DISH!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Today in class (day 41)

Today in class we went over the paper and learned more about what we were supposed to do. I did my paper over this weekend and I learned more about Israel and Saudi Arabia. I did my paper with Maria Cosentino, and it was really hard. The reason it was hard is because we kept getting distracted. We got distracted because we were also on Facebook and Tumblr. Then we would try to make food and got even more sidetracked. It took us at least a few hours to get started on the paper. When we finished we took a victory by eating food. It felt great to get the paper out of the way so we would not have to do it later. I could NOT wait until Sunday night to get that done. It would be so hard to rush it and it probably would end up really badly. We both needed to get a good grade so when we finally got to the paper we concentrated and actually tried our best.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Today in class (day 40)

Today in class we were told that we have a paper to do about the relationship between countries and the United States. It is due Monday, November 19th, and we are supposed to pick 2 countries and describe their relationship with the United States. It is important to know the countries that we are close with and that are our "friends", and the countries that are our enemies and that hate us. We got to have the choice whether to do it with a partner or work alone. I decided to work alone because I do not have to rely on someone else. Also, my social studies teacher told me last year that "If your partner messes up, it counts for them and YOU". I rather get points deducted for a mistake that I did and take the fault on it, than someone making a mistake and I get blamed too. Since Mr. Schick was an English teacher in the past it is important to keep in mind that grammar is also important, so is spelling. You can get all the information right, but your presentation could be miss used.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Today in class (day 39)

Today in class we had to research the past of 10 countries. 


Declared independence in August 19th 1919

This country served as a buffer between Roman Empire and the British until they won independence in 1919. They were the subjects under the British and Roman Empire. This country can be found in the middle east.  This country was established in 1747, and it is an Islamic republic. In 1973 they dropped being a democracy and became a Communist regime. Years later, the Taliban took over and ended the country's civil war and anarchy in 1996.  After the terrorist attacks on September 11th 2001, the Taliban was found to be hiding the mastermind; Osama Bin Laden. 3 years later, the first president Hamad Karzai took power in 2004.


There is no official date of independence.

In 486 Frankish tribes unified under the Merovingian kingship, August 10th 843: West Francia was created from the division of the Carolingian empire, July 17th 1789 was when the French monarchy was overthrown, September 22nd 1792 the first French republic was founded, October 4th 1958 was when the Fifth French Republic was established. They were not under any other leadership from another country. They only had kings and an empire.


Declared independence in September 7th 1822 from Portugal. It is now a federal republic. While Brazil was under the rule of Portugal, they tried to make Brazil its own colony, depriving it's achievements since 1808. They refused to yield and Prince Pedro stood with his country to defend for independence. He was named  Brazil's first emperor on October 12th 1822. They ruled as the subjects of Portugal since 1500 until 1822.


They are many dates for Germany's independence. January 18th 1871 the German empire was unified. It was divided into 4 zones of occupation; UK, US, USSR, and France in 1945 after World War 2. The Federal Republic of Germany was set on May 23rd 1949 for Western Germany, and the German Democratic Republic was proclaimed on October 7th 1949. On  October 3rd 1990 western and eastern Germany were unified and all four powers were relinquished rights on March 15th 1991. Germany was never subjected under another country, it was just split up until 12 years ago.


Declared Independence on September 16th 1810

The were colonized and conquered by Spain in the 16th century, they wanted independence because they were treated like slaves and abused. They stole Mexico's treasures and they didn't want to obey a king.  Mexico is also the cite for many advanced  Amerindian civilizations, including Aztec, Olmec, Toltec, Maya, and more. They were subjected under Spain for at least 2 or 3 centuries.

Declared Independence on July 5th 1811

They fought in the American revolution and the France revolution they then declared independence. This started the Venezuelan War for Independence. They wanted to declare independence from Spain, which they were under control since 1522. Hugo Chavez has been president of Venezuela since 1999. Venezuela's official country name is Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Saudi Arabia

Declared Independence on September 23rd 1932

Saudi Arabia is the home of Islam and the most important places of Islam, including Mecca and Medina. Abdul-Aziz bin Saud started a conquest to take over Saudi Arabia, initially creating it in 1932. It was never conquered by another country because it is a relatively new country itself. It is a monarchy and has Abdul as it's king.


Declared Independence on August 15th 1947

India is one of the oldest countries, being established since 1500 B.C.  Turks and Afghans invaded India in the 10th and 11th century. They established Delhi Sultanate. In the 16th century the Mughal dynasty ruled India for more than 3 centuries. By the 19th century Great Britain became the dominant power over India. They led a non violent resistance to Britain rules that later led to their independence. They were ruled by Great Britain in the 19th century until 1947.

Declared Independence on April 1st 1979

It was known as Persia until 1935, it became a Republic in 1979 after the monarchy was overthrown.  The king was forced into exile or "kicked out of the country".  Iran was never overpowered by another country, they just were ruled by a monarchy.

United Kingdom

This country has played a leading role in developing parliamentary democracy. The British Empire in the 19th century spread over 1 out of 4 of the earth's surface. It declared independence in April 12th 1927.  On that date the Royal and Parliamentary Titles Acts establishes current name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.  They were never under anyone's rule, they instead took over other countries, including the United States. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Today in class (day 38)

Today in class we went over the test that we took last Friday. I got 9 wrong. The front I just mixed up Iran and Israel up. On the back Hu Jintao will be replaced as China's leader in the next week or two, not Pranab Mukherjee. Hugo Chavez runs a country that is just over 1,000 miles from Florida and sells the U.S a lot of oil, not Enrique Pena Nieto. Pranab Mukherjee used to teach a political science course and has written five books, not Hugo Chavez. Angela Merkel is the fourth most powerful person in the world, largely due to her country's economic strength in the European Union, not Hu Jintao. Also since I got Iran and Israel wrong on the front, I got the letters wrong on the back. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wants to order a nuclear strike against Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu wants to order a nuclear strike against Iran.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Today in class (day 37)

Today in class we took a test on the world leaders. It was "open blog" and we could look at our old blog posts to help us with it. I did fairly well on it, besides the facts on leaders. It was hard to retain because even though we went over some of them in class, it is sometimes hard to hear people with others talking a lot. What also did not help me was that I got the wrong leaders for Iran and Israel on my blog and I could not figure out which one of them was which. I later figured out that Iran's leader is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Israel's leader is Benjamin Netanyahu. They both do not like each other and are trying to get rid of each other. It is hard to understand why countries so close to each other dislike each other very much. Also Iran is near Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. Why doesn't Iran want to destroy them with a bomb? It is hard to understand why countries that are so close to each other hate each other so much. It would be as if America and Canada went to war, or America and Mexico. Why such close countries start such an awful was? Would it be because of oil or money? Maybe even religion, but a war is not necessary over differences. Just as other countries may run people of of the country over differences, it is not necessary. It would be if I ran someone out of my house for having black hair, when I only allow blond hair. Weird, right?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Today in class (day 36)

Today in class we continued to go over the importance of other world leaders. We learned more information and I took more notes on some things that I left out. Such as the Taliban was in charge before Hamad Karzi was in Afghanistan. The Taliban was active from 1996 until 2001. Also the queen of England can fluently speak French. This means that she can communicate with other countries. She has also been in power for over 60 years and she has been in power for the longest compared to everyone in power right now. Lastly, David Cameron got a degree in philosophy, politics, and economics. It is essentially to have a leader like this. They have an education on what to do with a country and have been experienced. Since the election was last night, we now know the president of the United States, Barrack Obama! Two facts about his Obama's leader skills is that he found and killed Osama Bin Laden, a terrorist who cause 9-11. Another fact is that he was raised by his grandparents.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Today in class (day 35)

Today in class we went over the leaders of the countries and the importance of them. Already having some background information on the leaders of different countries, we took what we learned and combined it together. I learned new information on the other leaders. Such as the leader of Brazil, was in jail before she made president. She was tortured and hung from her hands and legs. I also learned that the leader of India was named the best financial leader in Asia in 2010. This is great characteristic to have because you can lead your country better financially. We are in a global recession, and there is a great way to get out of it by having a great leader. Another great financial leader is Hu Jintao, he has led China into having the greatest economy in the world. The leader of Israel won a noble peace prize in 1994 too. We also learned a new word today. It is coup d'etat, which means a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force. This means that if someone commits coup d'etat, they will go to jail for many years.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Today in class (day 34)

Today in class we have to do facts for presidents.

President- Elect Enrique Pena Nieto= 46 year old former governor of the state of Mexico, which is the richest of the states in Mexico, and he is the leader member rof the PRI which was kicke doubt of power in 2000 but will return this year because he is now president.

Prime Minister Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz= Is 88 years old and is currently in frail health. He is also the defense minister.

Angela Merkel= She is the chancellor of Germany and is the first women to be one. She is a physical chemist by profession.

Prime Minister Benjamin Nentanyahu= Is a harsh leader, who has been making a bomb and continue to progresses at making it. The bomb progress is currently at 90% and is about to be 100% by the spring or summer.

President Hu Jintao= He has made China have the most powerful economy in the world, he has also navigated the global recession in a stronger fashion.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad= he has also tried to build nuclear weapons and is trying to wipe out most of the Jewish faith

President Hamad Karzi= his government is considered the most corrupt in the world and he is trying to end a war between america which has lasted for more than a decade

President Francois Hollande= since he was in office he has rejoined the NATO military command and has tried to make an effort to help the European debt

President Pranab Mukherjee= he tries to get his country into peace and is focused on trying to make India better by education.

President Hugo Chavez= he has soared the oil revenues and has made his continent and anti- American sentiment

Prime minister David Cameron= he faced the problem of spending over 1.3 trillion on Europeans Union's and is viewed as politically unwise.

President Dilma Rousseff= she is the first woman president and has made great progress for Brazil by economic corporation

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Today in class (day 33)

Today in class, I came in late so I missed part of class. We went over our test and I got a few answers wrong. Apparently somebody got "Jesus is the main idol for Christianity" wrong. ): I did not, but only one person did. We mostly went over the answers in class. It was a shortened class because we had a preview of the play. I was not able to watch the play because I was late. I came in late because I over slept. ): I woke up around 9:00 in the morning! I came to school around 10:00. Even though I disliked being late for school, it felt really good to sleep in. Ever since the storm, my schedule has been mixed up. I though Friday was Tuesday and Thursday was Monday! I really hope the people who were effected by the storm are all ok now. My friend Sam's favorite rollercoaster is now in the Atlantic Ocean! Holy poop! It is almost 12 o clock at night and I am tired): Wellllll good night!