Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Today in class (day 45)

Today in class we continued to watch the video and learn more about how Chinese workers work for more hours but less money. I feel that this is inhumane for a human being to work their butts off for at least 8 to 10 hours a day and get only 5 dollars a day. Sometimes even less than that. Such as construction workers make that are female make 2 to 3 dollars a day and male construction workers make at least 3 to 4 dollars a day. While in america you would at least earn 7 to 8 dollars AN HOUR. Your nationality or country should change the way you get paid or make a living. Most people in China rather do what they have a passion for than do construction or assemble things on an assembly line. The workers end up falling asleep from exhaustion because it is just so boring and it will make you "zombie like". In my opinion, I think that China should make a law; similar to the United States, of minimum wage. So the workers will get a chance to make a living and not barley get by.

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