Friday, November 9, 2012

Today in class (day 37)

Today in class we took a test on the world leaders. It was "open blog" and we could look at our old blog posts to help us with it. I did fairly well on it, besides the facts on leaders. It was hard to retain because even though we went over some of them in class, it is sometimes hard to hear people with others talking a lot. What also did not help me was that I got the wrong leaders for Iran and Israel on my blog and I could not figure out which one of them was which. I later figured out that Iran's leader is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Israel's leader is Benjamin Netanyahu. They both do not like each other and are trying to get rid of each other. It is hard to understand why countries so close to each other dislike each other very much. Also Iran is near Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. Why doesn't Iran want to destroy them with a bomb? It is hard to understand why countries that are so close to each other hate each other so much. It would be as if America and Canada went to war, or America and Mexico. Why such close countries start such an awful was? Would it be because of oil or money? Maybe even religion, but a war is not necessary over differences. Just as other countries may run people of of the country over differences, it is not necessary. It would be if I ran someone out of my house for having black hair, when I only allow blond hair. Weird, right?

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