Monday, October 1, 2012

Today in class (day 19)

Today in class we finished the movie "God grew tired of us." In my opinion I think that the movie was very heart breaking but touching. It showed a dangerous journey of lost boys who were kicked out of their country because of war. They spent 10 years at a refugee camp and after those 10 years some were chosen to go to the United States. You get to see 3 of the boy's journey to making a difference in their life and in the home the left. Towards the end you get to see the life that they made for themselves. Panther went back to Africa and got married to his girlfriends. John Bull was re united with his mom and continues to send money to Sudan. Mr. Schick asked us what we should do as a Freshman class to help Sudan. My idea is to go to a refugee camp and give them entertainment, food, water, etc. It would take them away from their boredom and hunger and suffering. We could change some one's day. During the movie they said that many men thought of killing themselves. If we could change some one's day and mood for just one day, maybe we could change their life. I believe that we could make their day more positive and happier. I think that we should really visit a refugee camp. :)(:

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