Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Today in class (day 20)

Today in class we added links to websites where we could possibly help Sudan. We go into groups and came up with a website that would help. My group came up with Mercy Corps. In the beginning though we had trouble with the open document. Many people wrote unrelated things and kept deleting things. I thought it was funny though, because everyone was getting angry. Other groups came up with many great websites though. Such as one group came up with Red Cross. Red cross is an organization where they help people with war, natural disaster, and poverty. This would help Sudan and it's aftermath because of the wars. Another group came up with lostboysus.org This organization gives people an opportunity to sponsor children so that they may leave a refugee camp and go to a boarding school in Kenya. Lastly another group came up with an organization called Women for Women. Which is about giving food and water for the women stuck in Sudan. All of these organizations could possibly help Sudan. Another way we could help is by getting the word out about Sudan. The more people we tell, the more others are award of what is happening.

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