Saturday, October 20, 2012

Today in class (day 29)

Today in class we continued to learn about the 5 key religions. We learned that Hinduism does not have 1 key God. Their god takes many different forms, such as in trees and in nature..etc. 80% of India practices Hinduism, and it started in India. Buddhism practices the 8 noble truths, which is just a way that people who practice that religion should live their life. One of the most longest living religions is Judaism. it has 13 million people practicing it today, and it believes in one god. Judaism believes in the same God as Christianity and Muslims. It started in Jerusalem and so did Christianity. Judaism has been whipped out due to the Holocaust. It killed over 6 million Jews! In Buddhism, they do not believe in a heaven and they believe in Siddhartha. Instead of being the overly fat person that he is considered to be, he was actually really skinny due to his fasting for 40 days. In Hinduism, there is no true founder. It is great that we have this opportunity to learn about religion and widen our intellectual capacity.

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