Saturday, October 13, 2012

Today in class (day 26)

Today in class we looked up religions. Mr.Schick was not there and Mr. Perry was our substitute. Christianity was founded in 41 A.D in Jerusalem. It is a monotheistic and the holy book is the bible. It has over 2.1 billion followers and the main idol is Jesus Christ. The geographical concentration is North and South America, South Africa, Northern Asia, and Australia. In 632 A.D is when Islam was founded. It was also founded in Mecca and it is monotheistic. The holy book is the Koran and it has over 1.67 billion followers. The main idol is Allah, which is another word for God. The geographical concentration is Africa, and Middle East. In the 4 or 5 century B.C is when Buddhism was created. In North eastern Asia is where this religion was founded. It is polytheistic and the holy book is named the Tipitaka. It has over 360 million followrs and the main idol is the Buddah. The geographical concentration for this religion is China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia. Hinduism was created around 1500-500 B.C.E in Northern India. It is monotheistic and the holy book is called the Holemanom. It has 860 million followers and there are many religious "idols". Its geographical concentration is mostly India. The oldest know religion is called Judaism, dating back to 2000 B.C in Isarel. It is monotheistic and the holy book is named the Torah, or also known as the Old testament in the Christian bible. It has over 14,549,000 followers, and the main religious is God. The geographical concentration is made up of Africa,Asia, Europe, Latin America, Northern America, and Oceania. Those are the notes I took on religions. (:

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