Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Today in class (day 24)

Today in class we shared other power points and got to learn more about the Native Americans and Christopher Columbus. My blog will be what I learned about Christopher Columbus. He came to America in 1492! "Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 14 hundred 92!" Christopher got to America by 3 ships, the Pinta, Santa Maria, Nina. When the 3 ships landed in America, there were already settlers in America. There were about 20 to 30 Native Americans. Nobody really knows exactly where Christopher Columbus first landed in America. They Europeans stayed in America forever really! They had to fight off the Native Americans for the land, to conquer America! The Europeans did not take very good care of the land. They cut down trees and other natural resources. They nearly destroyed the Native Americans. There were many disputes against the Europeans and the Native Americans. Christopher Columbus was originally looking for Indiana, but found America. He was not essentially sent to find America. Once he found it though, he told many of the people back home. He sent more ships to conquer America. On a side note, I looked up Leif Erickson day and found out it was TODAY! So HAPPY LEIF ERICKSON DAY!

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