Monday, October 8, 2012

Today in class (day 23)

Today in class we went over the test and did a project. We went over the problems on the test and asked questions that we had. After we finished that, we did a project. We got in a groups of 6 or 7 and we had to choose between vikings, native Americans, or Christopher Columbus. My group did Vikings! THEY ARE AWESOME. We had several questions which we had to answer. The vikings arrived in America in 1000 A.D. The first viking to go to America was Leif Erickson. They got to America by ship, they were "Long ships". There were 3 types of long ships: Snekke,Drekkar, and Skeid. The ships were long and narrow, and they had room for about 18 men to row, they also had sails. When the vikings arrived to America, the Native Americans already lived on the land. The vikings did not really land in America, they landed in Greenland. They left though because the climate became harsh. When they arrived though, it was rich and full of crops. The vikings also landed in Canada. The vikings did not fight and conquer the Americas, although they established a colony in North America. It did not last a very long time, they abandoned it because of conflict with the natives. The vikings took very good care of the land, and they grew grape orchids. They lived off the land by hunting animals and farmed their land. The vikings also used many natural resources to build their homes. The items they used were turf and some used wood, they grew wheat barley and rye. Lastly the vikings were not sent by anyone to find America. Happy Monday and LEIF ERICKSON DAY.

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