Saturday, September 29, 2012

Today in class (day 18)

Today in class we continued watching the "God grew tired of us" movie. It was very interesting to see the boys have their own jobs. They took on so many different jobs that they did not have enough time to even see each other. I think that is very sad because even when they came to the new world they were excited to spend it with their friends, when in reality they never get to see them. They explained that it is hard to wake up at 7 in the morning and go to bed around 1 or 2 in the morning. As much as they want to make a living in the United States it is hard because all they can get is minimum wage. One of the boys found out that his family was still alive and they had to take on another job, and not go to school to help their family. I feel that the lost boys are very faithful and do not live and forget. They do what is needed to be done and help the people they left behind. Also one of the boys had to move out so that they could go to college. Life has change dramatically for the boys. They are trying their best to make the best of it.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Today in class (day 17)

Today in class we continued to watch the video "God grew tired of us". We were up to the part where 3 or the men have gotten to America. When they got off the plane, they were confused about the escalator and the food they received on the plane. They didn't know that you are not supposed to eat butter and mayonnaise by its self. When they got to their home, they had assistance to their new life. They were introduced to chips, lights, shower, fridge, etc. They never experience this stuff before. Once they come to America, they have 3 months to adjust, get a job and pay for their air travel. These three men have come a long way to get here. They are going to make something of themselves and help the people they left behind. They haven't forgotten what they left behind them, they are trying to change it. They still wonder about where there parents are and how their friends are doing. Their journey isn't over, they are striving to help people in Kenya. They want to make a difference and help the people they traveled for over 5 years with. Their journey isn't over, it has just begun.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Today in class (day 16)

Today in class we went over the test that we took on Monday. I got an 82 on it. I got only seven problems wrong. The main gathering place for Greece was the agora, NOT the arete. A message to Garcia was written after the Spanish-American war NOT World War 2. Rowan was asked to bring a message to Garcia NOT a clerk in Elbert Hubbard's office. On the date 508 B.C the Greeks revolted against their leaders, it DOES NOT mark the beginning of the Peloponnese War. Canada has the highest Net Migration Rate NOT the United States. Nigeria is a sub- Saharan nation NOT India. The United States produce more oil than any nation on Earth, NOT Italy. Those are all the problems I got wrong. ): I dislike tests! They make me sad. ): Well today was a great day and Happy Tuesday!

Today in class (day 15)

Today in class we took a test. It was a very interesting test. Some of the questions I didn't even know. I was like WHAT IS THIS STUFF! We watched a video afterwords. It was about how a war broke out in a country in Africa. A group of boys and men had to walk for over 5 years straight to safety. They started out with 27,000 boys and men and ended up with 12,000! That means that over 15,000 men and boys died. The cause of their death was most likely from starvation, from being attacked by wild animals, and being to weak to go on. When they go to safety, most were very hungry and close to dying. They were fed and given and education. They learned English and other important things. Once they finished school, they were still stuck. They couldn't leave where they were. For 10 years they were stuck there. Some people were designated to the United States. That is where we stopped!  :D

Happy Monday!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Today in class (day 14)

Today in class, Mr. Shcik made us present our powerpoints. I WENT 2ND!!! But first India went first. We had to finish their presentation because they didn't finish. It was very interesting learning about different countries. I also like cats. My country was Indonesia. It was funny because India went first THEN Indonesia! Hehehehe get it..India..Indonesia. I'm highlarious. MY COUNTRY WAS BY FAR THE BESTEST! I had Patrick Luft in my group. He's my best friend. I'm on his bowling team!!! I forget what happened in class. It's late at night and I'm hungry. Today was the first day of Autumn! It was really warm though, and it rained. I had a party today! Only 5 people came. I have no friends. ): That is besides the point. I really want food); IM SO LONLEY! I'm watching Friends though, so I feel better. Ok, well this is goodnight. NIGHT

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Today in class (day 13)

Today in class all we did was present our power points. We learned that Italy is a very developed country. It has a very large population and the country uses a lot of oil. They use a lot of electricity to withstand their large population. They are ranked 2 on the oil production compared to the world. They have over a million people. They barley increase in their population and they are ranked 157 compared to the world. Their population ranks 23 compared to the world. We also learned about Nigeria. Nigeria has over a 170 million people in their country. Their net migration rate is a negative number. This means more people are leaving than coming in. Their population is ranked 7 compared to the world. One last country we learned about was India. India has over a billion people currently in their country. This means their population is overcrowding the country. Compared to the world their population is ranked 2. Their net migration rate is an also a negative number which means more people are leaving the country than coming in it. There is a possibility that people are leaving due to the fact that it is over populated and very crowded.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Today in class (day 12)

Today in class, Mr. Schick made us do a class project. We had to do a power point on Google docks.  That was interesting because I usually do my power points on Microsoft office. I think it is convenient to do stuff online so that you will never loose it. If you lost all of your documents that would be bad considering that our documents on our school computer are important. If we lost all of them we would get very bad grades and be sad. For the project we did Indonesia. Indonesia is a developing country and more people are leaving the country than going to it. This shows that Indonesia is a poor country and cannot withstand a substantial population. I had to look up the birth rate and the death rate. The birth rate is 17.76, compared to the world that is ranked 105. That is very low compared to the rest of the world. The death rate is 6.28 which is very low compared to the world to. They are ranked 156 compared to the world. That means that very low people die in this country. Yayyyy Indonesia 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Today in class (day 11)

Today in class Mr. Schick made us take boring notes. It wasn't that interesting. What was interesting though is that most women live longer than men. This is true because most men do dangerous jobs. Most men are in the army, firefighters, police, etc. Women once they have kids usually stay home and take care of them. They make food for the family and take care of the kids. Sure enough, when the kids get older they won't need their mom around twenty-four/seven. So they mom goes back to work. Since the woman is a little older than she was before, she may take an easier job. Than go into the army and become a firefighter. In China, men are considered more important. They think this way because men take over the business. Where women marry men with a nice business. If they had a daughter, they usually gave them up for adoption. Now, they're more men in china and not enough women to marry. The population has decreased in China (or stayed the same) by only having 1 child. This would keep the population under control and not out of hand. Also, again they're not a lot of women to marry the men. It would be very hard to find a spouse. I thought it was interesting that we only got to 1 billion people in the 1800's. After 10,000+ years that we existed, we didn't have a billion people until 1800! Today we are up to 7 billion people and counting. In the future we might over populate whihc could lead to some issues in the future. Then again, they're a lot of diseases that have not been cured which may never be cured. They also, will never be a cure for death.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Today in class (day 10)

Today in class Mr. Schick talked about some of the statistics in the video we watched a few days ago. First we talked about the statistic "1 out of 8 married couples met online". We said that it would be weird to meet someone online. You wouldn't know who they really were. They could be all nice and sweet, but in reality they secretly want to kill you. I feel like many deaths would be caused by internet dating. People can easily trick you into thinking they're all great and wonderful. It's hard to trust people today. You don't know who you're talking on the internet. We also talked about how weird people add you on Facebook and try to message you. I find this very weird that people from other countries try to talk to you and you don't know who they even are! Another statistic we talked about was China will soon be the #1 English speaking country. This is odd because most people would think the United States would be #1. Since we have a very diverse country, many different languages are spoken. People want to stop immigration and just have all american people. Our culture is very diverse and it is changing everyday. That is what happened today in class.(:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Today in class (day 9)

Today in class Mr. Schick continued to go over the questions we finished a few days ago. During this process, we we learned more statics about the world today. Such as they're 7,021,836,029 people in the world. In the future we will have more and more people which may lead to some problems. Such as, we could have a less supply of fresh water and food. This could to lead to having more issues and more deaths. We also watched a video called "Did you know 3.0". This video was mostly made of statistics of the world today. One thing that was very interesting to me was "1 out of 8 couples married met online" This is a very interesting statistic that shows technology is a big part of our lives. Many people have used the Internet as a resource to make something of themselves. Such as becoming a singer, dance, artist, etc. Now people are using it to meet people and fall in love. The Internet hasn't been around for over 30 years and it has really changed the world. We find information by the Internet and it has really changed the world. Even though the Internet is a good thing, it can also be a bad thing. Child predators can seek out teenagers over a "chat room" This tool may be used for good, or bad. Another interesting fact I learned from the video was "If Facebook was a country it would be 3 (behind China and India)" This means that they're are more people on Facebook then the United States! This really shows are 1 website can become widely popular! It also means never underestimate your self. Mark Zuckerburg had passion and determination and the result of it was a very popular website. Not only is it popular in America but it's in over 70 languages! A threat that Facebook has is bullying. A big trend is "cyber bullying" and because Facebook is very popular it also means there is a more chance to get bullied. Just by a simple message someones day could instantly ruined. People also take their own lives because of cyber bullying. The Internet is a useful source, but it also can be a big threat.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Today in class (day 8)

TODAY in class Mr. Schick went over the questions that we had to do the other night. In doing this, we got a little sidetracked. Besides an elephant eating half the school, we talked about 9-11 and its importance. September 11th 2001 was a very tragic day. The United States went under a terrorist attack and killed over 2,000 people. At the time, I was only in pre- school and do not remember anything that happened that day. Mr. Schick explained that even students in his class had lost someone they loved. A girl lost her father, and another girl's uncle went missing. Most people loose their parents by sickness, heart attacks, and car crashes. That girl had to say "My dad died by a terrorist attack" How terrible would that be? Not that long ago, we killed the man who started the terriest attack, Osma Bin Ladin. He was believed to be hidden in Pakistan, which means Pakistan wasn't doing there job by informing where the terrorists were hidden! This is only a theory though, it hasn't been proven yet. Besides the heavy attmosphere of the conversation of 9-11, we also threw shoes. Yay for no shoes! Well, that is what happened in class today. It was very interesting to learn new knowledge about such a heavy topic in America. Thank you all the firemen and policemen! Rest in peace 9-11 victims.

(Also Mr. Schick I had trouble with blogging my last post because I thought it postesd when it did not. You told me to remind you and that is what I am doing. kbye)

Today in class (day 7)

What is the population of United States? 313,847,465

What are the 5 largest countries by population? China, India, United States,Indonesia,Brazil

What is the population of Pakistan? 190,291,129

What kind of government does United States have?  Republic

What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe? 24.9%

What is the largest country in the world by area? Russia

What country has the third greatest number of airports? Mexico

What country has the greatest number of exports? China

What country exports more oil than any other? Saudi Arabia

What country imports more oil than any other? United States

What country consumes more oil than any other? United States

Can women serve in combat roles in China's military? Yes

What is GDP? Gross domestic product is an indicator to tell the quality of the economy

What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it? Liechtenstein and $141,100

Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita? No

Most of the countries with the highest birthrate can be found in what continent? Africa

11 of the top 12 countries with highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in which continent? Africa

What other country is in the top 10? South Africa

Where the US rank in HIV/AIDS death? 64

Is the US #1 in number of cellular devices? no

What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic? 23.9%

What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic? 76.5%

What is Net Migration Rate?

Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate? No

What is the current population of the entire world? 7,021,836,029

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Today in class (day 6)

In class today Mr. Schick made us take notes on taking notes. He explained to us that in college they are not going to tell you what you have to write down. Instead, they are going to stand up in the front of the room and just teach. It is important in college to take notes because garneted you will not remember everything that the teacher had said. If you do not take notes you are most likely to fail. When you are taking notes, you do not have to write in complete sentences or correct spelling. Instead you use little fragments to help you keep up with the teacher. This is essential because the longer you take to write, the farther you will be behind. In college instead of taking notes, you can just take a tape recorder and you have the whole lecture recorded! For high school though, it is important to know how to take notes because some teachers will just lecture the whole class. Taking notes can be easy, as long as you know how to!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Today in class (day 5)

Today in class Mr. Schick did an experiment. He told us not to always trust a website. By doing this, we went to a list of links and examined each and every one of them. Looking for the ones that weren’t reliable was very hard. You have to look for very numerous details. Such has, if it mainly an opinion and its layout. An opinion is someone’s own thoughts and actions. Many people have different opinions. Such as one person may like soup while another person may not. It is just a matter of how people think and what they like. Another thing to tell if a website is a bad source is by the layout. The layout shows if it was by a company or a “sweaty man in his basement”. If it is all nice and from a familiar company, it is most likely a reliable source and you can get your information. If it is messy and has incorrect grammar it is most likely a very reliable source. That is what happened in class today

Monday, September 3, 2012

Essay #1

The true deffinition of arete is making up good character. In my mind, arete means doing good for your self and others. Socrates did this by going against what he was told and defining the world better. Just by asking a few simple questions can you get into the mind of another. It goes deeper into just talking to a stranger and it becomes talking to a friend. His method helped puting  people who did horrible in crimes in jail. Instead of being told what to do and not asking questions, people today would just be pushed around and not do anything. Instead, they think for themselves believe their own beliefs. Ancient Greece also performed an action of arete. They helped moved the world, even today. If it wasn't for Ancient Greece we would still be ruled by a monarcy. Instead, we are ruled by a republic and choose our own president. Both Ancienct Greece and Socrates have shown a great deal of arete. They have done this by showing people to choose who to be and feel free to think for themselves.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Essay #3

During the next four years I am attending John Carroll I would like to make something of myself. Also I would love to leave an imprint on someone’s life. For the most part, I want to get good grades and do my best. I want to get in a good college so I can get a fantastic job. I want to change the world and the first step of that is a good education. Trying my hardest in school is the only way to succeed. I also would love to make new friends and meet new people. I want to make a difference in a person’s life and show them the better things in the world. Another thing I want to do is get involved. One way to change a community is to get involved. I currently volunteer at a church to help special needs adult and it is a life changing experience. Just connecting to different lives and learning from their day to day life. I want to achieve a lot at John Carroll. The next four years will have a great change in my character and the way I think about life.

Essay #2

It has been years since Elbert Hubbard and Socrates have been on this earth. If they time traveled to the year 2012 they would be in for a big surprise. Socrates would be very pleased with the way things are now.  His idea of questioning everything still exists today. During trials, lawyers find out information by asking many questions and keeping the witness on their toes. Socrates would also be pleased that people are thinking for themselves. Thousands of years ago, people didn’t think for themselves. Instead they were told what to do and didn’t ask any questions. If they went against what they were told, they were sentenced to death. Today, that people do as they please and are not prosecuted. Unlike Socrates, Elbert would be furious with life today. His essay “A message to Garcia” is about how people rarely do as they are told and didn’t ask question. Instead they are lazy and do not do as they are told. People, even today are still like this. Instead of being asked to do a task, they would put it off and procrastinate.  This is a big problem with teenagers because they is “always something better to do” and decide not to do it. They both will have different outlooks on the world today.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Today in class (day 4)

Today in class Mr. Schick explained terms in class. Arete means making up good character. Such as it was very arete to vote for a ruler. If you didn't take your duty and not vote, you were considered an "idiot". Not in the stupid sense, but that you were not during as you were expected and not doing your part as a citizen. If you wanted to vote, you would go to the agora. Which was a place in ancient Greece where they would vote, deal with politics, and other issues. A place in Greece was called a polis, which is translated into city-state. A man who changed the whole world was an acienct philosopher named Socrates. He came up with the theory to ask question after question and become in sync with another person's thoughts. This method is used many times in the court room. Socrates death has showed how strong he was about his beliefs. As a part of his method, Socrates would ask many citizens "why", such as "Why do you believe in the gods?" As this made the town furious, he was put in jail and put on a trial. They said as long as he apologizes he would be free. Instead of apologizing, he told them instead of prosecuting him, they should be thanking him. The jury decided he was guilty and was sentenced to death. He died a very fast but painful death. The year of 508 B.C started a restart of socitey. Instead of having a monacry, a republican was created. Instead of having a king and queen they have a president and the people get to choose who they pick for their goverment. That, is what we talked about in class today.