Sunday, September 2, 2012

Essay #2

It has been years since Elbert Hubbard and Socrates have been on this earth. If they time traveled to the year 2012 they would be in for a big surprise. Socrates would be very pleased with the way things are now.  His idea of questioning everything still exists today. During trials, lawyers find out information by asking many questions and keeping the witness on their toes. Socrates would also be pleased that people are thinking for themselves. Thousands of years ago, people didn’t think for themselves. Instead they were told what to do and didn’t ask any questions. If they went against what they were told, they were sentenced to death. Today, that people do as they please and are not prosecuted. Unlike Socrates, Elbert would be furious with life today. His essay “A message to Garcia” is about how people rarely do as they are told and didn’t ask question. Instead they are lazy and do not do as they are told. People, even today are still like this. Instead of being asked to do a task, they would put it off and procrastinate.  This is a big problem with teenagers because they is “always something better to do” and decide not to do it. They both will have different outlooks on the world today.

1 comment:

  1. Very good! This essay is more focused and more sharply written than #1. Nice work, Nadia. 25/25.
