Saturday, September 15, 2012

Today in class (day 10)

Today in class Mr. Schick talked about some of the statistics in the video we watched a few days ago. First we talked about the statistic "1 out of 8 married couples met online". We said that it would be weird to meet someone online. You wouldn't know who they really were. They could be all nice and sweet, but in reality they secretly want to kill you. I feel like many deaths would be caused by internet dating. People can easily trick you into thinking they're all great and wonderful. It's hard to trust people today. You don't know who you're talking on the internet. We also talked about how weird people add you on Facebook and try to message you. I find this very weird that people from other countries try to talk to you and you don't know who they even are! Another statistic we talked about was China will soon be the #1 English speaking country. This is odd because most people would think the United States would be #1. Since we have a very diverse country, many different languages are spoken. People want to stop immigration and just have all american people. Our culture is very diverse and it is changing everyday. That is what happened today in class.(:

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