During the next four years I am attending John
Carroll I would like to make something of myself. Also I would love to leave an
imprint on someone’s life. For the most part, I want to get good grades and do
my best. I want to get in a good college so I can get a fantastic job. I want
to change the world and the first step of that is a good education. Trying my
hardest in school is the only way to succeed. I also would love to make new
friends and meet new people. I want to make a difference in a person’s life and
show them the better things in the world. Another thing I want to do is get
involved. One way to change a community is to get involved. I currently
volunteer at a church to help special needs adult and it is a life changing
experience. Just connecting to different lives and learning from their day to
day life. I want to achieve a lot at John Carroll. The next four years will
have a great change in my character and the way I think about life.
Having a great plan in place, coupled with a desire to change the world, is a fine combination. Should be an excellent year for you! 25/25.