Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Today in class (day 8)

TODAY in class Mr. Schick went over the questions that we had to do the other night. In doing this, we got a little sidetracked. Besides an elephant eating half the school, we talked about 9-11 and its importance. September 11th 2001 was a very tragic day. The United States went under a terrorist attack and killed over 2,000 people. At the time, I was only in pre- school and do not remember anything that happened that day. Mr. Schick explained that even students in his class had lost someone they loved. A girl lost her father, and another girl's uncle went missing. Most people loose their parents by sickness, heart attacks, and car crashes. That girl had to say "My dad died by a terrorist attack" How terrible would that be? Not that long ago, we killed the man who started the terriest attack, Osma Bin Ladin. He was believed to be hidden in Pakistan, which means Pakistan wasn't doing there job by informing where the terrorists were hidden! This is only a theory though, it hasn't been proven yet. Besides the heavy attmosphere of the conversation of 9-11, we also threw shoes. Yay for no shoes! Well, that is what happened in class today. It was very interesting to learn new knowledge about such a heavy topic in America. Thank you all the firemen and policemen! Rest in peace 9-11 victims.

(Also Mr. Schick I had trouble with blogging my last post because I thought it postesd when it did not. You told me to remind you and that is what I am doing. kbye)

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