Saturday, September 1, 2012

Today in class (day 4)

Today in class Mr. Schick explained terms in class. Arete means making up good character. Such as it was very arete to vote for a ruler. If you didn't take your duty and not vote, you were considered an "idiot". Not in the stupid sense, but that you were not during as you were expected and not doing your part as a citizen. If you wanted to vote, you would go to the agora. Which was a place in ancient Greece where they would vote, deal with politics, and other issues. A place in Greece was called a polis, which is translated into city-state. A man who changed the whole world was an acienct philosopher named Socrates. He came up with the theory to ask question after question and become in sync with another person's thoughts. This method is used many times in the court room. Socrates death has showed how strong he was about his beliefs. As a part of his method, Socrates would ask many citizens "why", such as "Why do you believe in the gods?" As this made the town furious, he was put in jail and put on a trial. They said as long as he apologizes he would be free. Instead of apologizing, he told them instead of prosecuting him, they should be thanking him. The jury decided he was guilty and was sentenced to death. He died a very fast but painful death. The year of 508 B.C started a restart of socitey. Instead of having a monacry, a republican was created. Instead of having a king and queen they have a president and the people get to choose who they pick for their goverment. That, is what we talked about in class today.

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