Monday, September 3, 2012

Essay #1

The true deffinition of arete is making up good character. In my mind, arete means doing good for your self and others. Socrates did this by going against what he was told and defining the world better. Just by asking a few simple questions can you get into the mind of another. It goes deeper into just talking to a stranger and it becomes talking to a friend. His method helped puting  people who did horrible in crimes in jail. Instead of being told what to do and not asking questions, people today would just be pushed around and not do anything. Instead, they think for themselves believe their own beliefs. Ancient Greece also performed an action of arete. They helped moved the world, even today. If it wasn't for Ancient Greece we would still be ruled by a monarcy. Instead, we are ruled by a republic and choose our own president. Both Ancienct Greece and Socrates have shown a great deal of arete. They have done this by showing people to choose who to be and feel free to think for themselves.

1 comment:

  1. You have some good observations here. The sixth sentence confused me, but I think it just needed to be proofread. 23/25.
